Landed in Zadar last night. Rented our car and headed out to a small town where we had our rooms. The drive was not bad, and the hotel was great - right by the water.
This morning we drove to the Plitvice Lakes area - north of where we were and are going to spend tomorrow in the national park. Then it will be off to Pula.

So far, the weather is great. We are finding that most people understand a little German (Melanie is trying her skillz at translating) and we can mostly get our point across. The place we have for tonight, the owner doesn't speak English, but we are doing a pidgen English-German thing and it seems to be working.
We are now sitting in an internet cafe with Star Trek: The Next Generation on in the background. Pretty amusing.
More to come! (If anyone is interested in seeing more about the places we are visiting, look at - the tourism site.)
mom & dad want to know...
So sorry I've missed 2 calls!!! It is 7 hour difference (CST). Daddy Tech will call before he goes to work. Talked to GHazel today,she plans to hook up with you soon. So, is your starting spot at the bottom of country and then go up? Tell us about the beauty of country, driving, food, ocean, weather, etc...
Of all the things to post a photo of. A bloody ostrich! How about a photo of your hotel, the countryside or the water? I can see an ostrich here in Colorado. Silly girls!
But I do hope you are having fun and learning lots. Have you found any birthday presents yet? ;)
Ostich! I hope you come across an ostrich crossing sign...
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