Monday, May 25, 2015

Budapest Day 3

Our last day in Budapest started out a bit rainy. We went to the Central Market Hall to shop, however this is when we learn it is a holiday in Budapest. The hall is now known as the &%$!@ Hall since we had planned to do a lot of wandering there and couldn't!

Cave Church
Instead we went to Anna's café for breakfast and then took pictures of the cave church from across the river. We walked over to a different market on the off chance it was open, however it was also closed. So it was on to the opera. As in the other two cities, the opera house was very beautiful.

Hungarian State Opera House opened in 1884

We walked over to the Parliament building and saw the Shoes on the Danube Bank - a representation of the shoes of Jewish people killed during World War II in Budapest. It was a very poignant spot.

Hungary's largest building, Parliament - built from 1885-1902.

Shoes on the Danube Bank - made of iron.

After that we decided it was time to head up Heroes' Square, a place that represents the national pride of Hungary. There is a castle - Vajdahunyad, where a carnival and fair were going on. This area was designed for the millennium celebrations in 1896.
Heroes' Square
Vajdahunyad Castle
And now... on to the baths. We visited Szchenyi Bath - constructed between 1909 - 1926. The hot springs were discovered in 1875 and they are the deepest and one of the hottest baths in Budapest. The springs are rich in minerals and have alleged healing properties - it sure helped our aching bodies! We had wristband "watches" we had to wear while in the baths as our ticket in.We first got into the hot pools, the sauna and then went to the outdoor pool area which was also heated. And, the sun decided to shine! The baths were an awesome Budapest experience.

Enjoying the sun and Szechenyi Baths
One of three pools added to the baths in 1926.

Just what our walking around three cities bodies needed.

Bath power!
After the baths we went to buy paprika and had langos - deep fried potato cake served with sour cream and cheese - so yummy! We then went to dinner and while walking we saw the Ferris wheel. At VakVarju we had goulash and chicken and wine. Then we went back to pack. On to London and Wales tomorrow!

Delicious, even with a beer.

Until next time, Budapest.

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